Friday, May 31, 2013

RPP Micro Teaching (1)

Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran
Nama Sekolah             : SMA Negeri 3 Langsa
Kelas/Semester            : X/1
Nama Pelajaran           : Bahasa Inggris
Skill/Fokus                  : Menulis
Alokasi Waktu            : 15 menit

I.                   Standar Kompetensi
Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek dan esei sederhana berbentuk recount, narrative dan procedure dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari

II.                Kompetensi Dasar
Mengungkapkan makna dalam bentuk teks tulis fungsional pendek (misalnya pengumuman, iklan, undangan dll.) resmi dan tak resmi secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan

Mengungkapkan makna dan langkah-langkah retorika secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks berbentuk: recount, narrative dan procedure

III.             Tujuan Pembelajaran
1.      Kognitif
Produk      : Siswa mampu menyusun dan menulis teks berbentuk recount
Proses        : Siswa dapat memahami cara menulis teks berebentuk recount

2. Psikomotor
1.      Menulis teks berbentuk recount dengan benar
2.      Menyusun kalimat-kalimat acak menjadi sebuah paragraph dalam teks berbentuk recount

3.   Afektif (Karakter sosial dan individu)
1.      Ikut serta dalam semua aktifitas pembelajran selama proses pelajaran
2.      Bertanggung jawab terhadap tugas yang diberikan

1.      Ikut serta dalam proses pembelajaran yang berorientasi pada learner-centered
2.      Bertanya dengan sopan dalam kegiatan pembelajaran di dalam kelas
3.      Mendengar pendapat orang lain dengan baik tanpa menyanggah atau memotong
4.      Berkomunikasi dengan baik, atau apa yang harus diucapkan, dimana, dan kepada siapa
5.      Berpendapat secara baik dalam diskusi

IV.             Indikator
1.      Kognitif
     Produk       : Siswa mampu memahami menulis teks recount
Proses        : Siswa mampu memahami langkah-langkah menulis teks recount

1.      Psikomotor
1.      Menulis teks recount dengan benar
2.      Menyusun kalimat-kalimat acak menjadi sebuah paragraph berbentuk recount

      3.   Afektif (Karakter sosial dan individu)
1.      Ikut serta dalam semua aktifitas pembelajaran selama proses pelajaran
2.      Bertanggung jawab terhadap tugas yang diberikan

1.      Ikut serta dalam proses pembelajaran yang berorientasi pada learner-centered
2.      Bertanya dengan sopan dalam kegiatan pembelajaran di dalam kelas
3.      Mendengar pendapat orang lain dengan baik tanpa menyanggah atau memotong
4.      Berkomunikasi dengan baik, atau apa yang harus diucapkan, dimana, dan kepada siapa
5.      Berpendapat secara baik dalam diskusi

V.                Mode of Learning
Method           : Cooperative Learning
Technique        : Student Teams-Achievement Division (STAD)

VI.             Learning Material
·         Teks bentuk recount (recount text)

             March, 28th 2008
          08.00 p.m.
This morning Andika called me. I was surprised. I
wondered from whom he got my cell phone number.
Confuse. Happy. Speechless. My heart beat faster when I
heard his voice.

                                       RA Kartini

         Every April 21, people in Indonesia commemorate the Kartini day. It is a beautiful day for the woman because we celebrate the birth of great lady, RA. Kartini. Everyone knows who kartini is. She is our national heroine and a great lady with the bright idea.
         Kartini was born in 1879, April 21 in Mayong Jepara. Her father was RMAA. Sosroningrat, Wedana (assistant of head of regency) in Mayong. Her mother, MA Ngasirah was a girl from Teluk Awur village in Jepara. As the daughter of a noble family, she felt luck because she got more than the ordinary people got. She got better education than other children. She did anything she wants although it was forbidden. (ORIENTATION)

          In November 12, 1903, she married Adipati Djoyodiningrat, the head of Rembang regency. According to Javanese tradition Kartini had to follow her husband. Then she moved to Rembang. In September 13, 1904 she gave a birth to her son. His name was Singgih. But after giving birth to a son, her condition was getting worse and she finally passed away on September 17, 1904 on her 25 years old. (EVENTS)

          Now Kartini has gone. But her spirit and dream will always be in our heart. Nowadays Indonesian women progress is influenced by Kartini's spirit stated on collection of letter "Habis gelap terbitlah terang" from the dusk to the dawn. (REORIENTATION)

VII.          Media
·         Gambar

VIII.       Teaching-Learning Activities
Activity Number
Time Allocation

Kegiatan Awal

1.      Guru menunjukkan buku diary kepada siswa.
2.      Guru bertanya:
-          Do you know what this is?
-          Do you have a diary book?
-          What do you write on it?

3 menit

Kegiatan Inti

Guru memberikan dan menjelaskan contoh teks berbentuk recount (RA Kartini)
3 menit

Siswa dibagi menjadi beberapa kelompok. Kemudian guru memberikan gambar berurut beserta kalimat-kalimat untuk disusun sesuai urutan gambar tersebut.

4 menit

Kelompok mempresentasikan hasil kerja kelompoknya.
3 menit

Kegiatan Akhir

Guru memberikan PR kepada siswa untuk menuliskan sebuah kejadian unik yang pernah mereka alami.
2 menit

IX.             Sumber Pembelajaran
·         Buku teks Bahasa Inggris, Developing English Competencies (hal 18-23)

·         Arrange the sentences below based on the pictures!

a.            It was an interesting film about a plane which crashed on a small empty island in the Pacific Ocean.
b.           After a few weeks, the passengers were eating raw meat.
c.            So the passengers had to learn how to hunt for food in the jungle to eat.
d.           The film ended without saying whether the passengers were rescued or not. But my sister and I enjoyed the film.
e.            My sister and I went to see a film last night. It was an American movie called The Lost Flight.
f.            After they had been on the island for two months, three of the men made a boat and sailed away to find help.
g.           Although the passengers were safe, nobody knew where the plane had crashed.
h.           But their boat sank and they were drowned.


X.                Assessment

Nama Siswa
Language Skill and Component
Language Use





Rubrik penilaian Writing

Rating Score



Excellent to very good
It is for the students with some knowledge of the subject matter adequate of range development. Mostly relevant to topic sentence, but lack the detail

Good to average
It is for student with knowledge of the subject and adequate of range development omitted, but lack the detail

Fair to poor
It is for student with limited knowledge of the subject, little substantive, inadequate development of subject

Very poor
It is for student who do not show knowledge of the subject, non substantive, not pertinent or not enough to evaluate



Excellent to very good
Provide fluent expression, ideas clearly stated, sentence are organized and logical sequence cohesion

Good to average
Somewhat choppy-loosely organized but main ideas stand out

Non-influent ideas
Confused or disconnected, lack logical sequencing and development
Very poor
Doesn’t communicate, no organization or not enough to evaluate



Excellent to very good
Student with sophisticated range effectively word from, the imitative appropriate register

Good to average
Adequate range-occasional errors, meaning not obscured

Fair to poor
Limited range, frequent errors of word or idiom, usage, meaning confused or obscured

Very poor
Lack of essential translation, little knowledge of English
Language use



Excellent to very good
Effective complex construction-few errors arrangement, tenses, number, words order/function, articles, pronouns, preposition

Good to average
Some effective complex construction, frequent errors on the use of the sentence elements

Fair to poor
Major problem in simple complex construction, tense, word order/function, articles, pronouns, preposition, meaning, confused and obscured, articles, pronouns, and/or fragments detections=meaning confused and obscured

Very poor
Usually no master construction rules dominated by errors, does not communicate, not enough to evaluate




Excellent to very good
Demonstrates mastery of punctuation, few error in capitalization and hard writing

Good to average
Occasionally errors of punctuation, capitalization, writing sentence, but meaning not obscured

Fair to poor
Frequent errors of punctuation, capitalization writing sentence, poor hand-writing-meaning confused or obscured

Very poor
No mastery of connection, dominated by errors of spelling, punctuation, capitalization, paragraphing and writing illegible or not enough to evaluate

                                                                                                             Langsa, 01 Maret 2012


Guru Pamong  SMA Negri 3 Langsa                                                   Guru PPL Bahasa Inggris

       (  ______________ )                                                                          ( Armayani Idrus )

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